When it comes to naming my pieces, I like to wait until the piece is finished and then see what images, feelings and thoughts it provokes. Even though I know what I want to create from concept to the finished article, I tend not start with a name because I don’t like being constrained and I can change tack throughout the creative process. Having to stick to one narrative holds me back and I it find quite limiting.
I don’t like the idea of simply numbering my pieces either. It’s my way of inviting the viewer to see what they see when looking at lines, shapes and colours. Is it what I see, or something totally different and meaningful to them?

Wyndham Lewis - Percy Wyndham Lewis was the co-founder of Vorticism, a style of art created 1914, England's first avant-garde artistic movement. Vorticism art was defined by bold colours, harsh lines and sharp angles, and pivoted around a fascination with the age of the machine.
The style of the art produced was geometric, close to abstract in form. Looking through the different artistic movements, Vorticism is the artistic style most close to all of these designs.